All about Books

A leap across two weeks brings me to the end of October’s Buy A Friend A Book week, which I would have missed again if I hadn’t chanced by Cornflower‘s blog last evening. Since I’ve had a hard time putting down my latest read a copy of that book will be sent to the person who’s name is drawn. Leave a comment on this post and your name will be tossed into the drawing basket. Though the BAFAB week ends today, you have until 6PM Pacific Daylight Time Friday, Oct 13th. Drawing will take place that evening.

The book? Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A year of food life by Barbara Kingsolver


The book is an engaging chronicle of the year Barbara Kingsolver and her family consciously ate only what was grown in their area. (Each person was allowed one exception that stayed within the spirit of this eating life such as Fair Trade coffee for husband, Steven, who also contributes to this book along with the oldest daughter, Camille.) Barbara is an informed, intelligent, witty author who is skilled at captivating with words. The concept of eating locally appeals very much to Ed and me. We are very fortunate to live in a fertile area where it is possible. What is harder is knowing who is growing their produce and livestock as naturally as possible. This past week we have eaten almost exclusively from our garden. Not only have we eaten tasty, simple meals, it’s a good feeling to know that what we’re putting into our mouths is not damaging to our bodies.

Charity has tagged me for a book meme. I don’t really enjoy participating in memes but sometimes one comes along when I’m thrilled to be tagged, such as this one:

1.Hardcover or paperback, and why? Definitely hardcover: the solidness and smell seems more real.
2.If I were to own a book shop, I would call it… I’m terrible with names but I know what it’d look like. There would be shelves full of books next to tables where people could sit with the coffee, tea or pastry they’d just ordered at a corner counter. A small area with a little table, soft toys and tough books would be available for small children to have their own tea party while the parents temporarily escaped into a book.
3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title) is… I can’t say I have one favorite quote but here’s one taken from a notebook where I write a line or two that has caught my fancy: “The greatest moments in life are, and should be, brief. Man in his earthly weakness, like seedling plant, cannot stand too much light.” The Child From the Sea by Elizabeth Goudge pg 574
4. The author (alive or deceased) I would love to have lunch with would be… These are two people with whom I’ve fantasized eating at my kitchen table and sharing since I was in my twenties: Madeleine L’Engle and Edith Schaeffer.
5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except for the SAS survival guide, it would be… The Bible (Does anyone else find that to be an oddly worded question? My eye/mind keeps reading “going to be a deserted!)
6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that… reads the words outloud, in character, as I read.
7. The smell of an old book reminds me of… Comfort, serenity, and of cradling old and ancient volumes when I worked at the Mt Angel Abbey Library.
8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be
9. The most overestimated book of all times is… as so many others have written – The DaVinci Code
10. I hate it when a book… is redundant, oversimplified, and has many editing/proofing errors.  …builds up to a climax that just doesn’t happen.

Here’s the hard part, tagging five more people. Hope you don’t mind, I wanted to tag many of you, please join in the fun even if you haven’t been personally tagged! Jocelyn,  Cyndy, Tracy, AnneMarianne (Blackbunny)

Don’t forget to comment and get your name in the drawing basket!

Author: Wanda J

I never dreamed my life would be entangled with fiber and the tools used to produce fibery items. When I bought a boat shuttle used in weaving Ed looked at it, decided to make a better one and the rest is history. For a decade he made shuttles, crochet hooks, knitting needles, and a dozen Great Wheels, until his spindles became so popular that he had to devote his time to making only spindles. Free time is spent reading, trying to coax food from the ground, and playing in the creek near our place. I love long walks and camping far from crowds. Playing a fiddle beside a stream or with good friends brings sweetness to my soul. Sundays are set aside for worshiping God with our small, Scotts Mills Friends Meeting and occasionally riding our bicycles on sunny afternoons.

16 thoughts on “All about Books”

  1. Hi, Wanda! Thanks for the tag — this is a fun one (which will require much thought and playing around with my beloved books; as if I needed an excuse). I, too, really enjoyed Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (one of the few books I’ve bought in hardback lately — it’s not usually in the budget, but it was worth an exception; so you don’t need to put my name in the basket!). We do most of our shopping at the local farmer’s market, and I love it. I just wish I could find what meat we do eat from a more local producer than I’ve been able to…

    Thanks for your comment about group gripes. I could not believe the story you told — what was your teacher thinking?! Talk about blindness to the local issues (it sounds like it must have been an experience to go to school there, probably with a lot of ups and downs?). Hope you’re doing well!

  2. I guess anyone planning to go to a desserted Island has to know it is and therefore want to drop out of life ….is that what you mean Wanda?

  3. Well, of course, I love your answers! and I would SO want to spend lots of time in your bookstore! :^)
    I heard about that book on NPR and it sounds wonderful!
    I love the quote…

  4. Hello Wanda 🙂
    I thought I would let you know that I’m back in blogland, and feeling much better now.
    I would happily sit in your bookstore for hours, but you’ve got to have some fibre and spindles there too! :)))

  5. Hello Wanda
    I thought I would let you know that I’m back in blogland, and feeling much better now.
    I would happily sit in your bookstore for hours, but you’ve got to have some fibre and spindles there too! :)))

  6. Who can resist a good book? Or a good book meme?

    Thanks for the tag–you have given me much food for thought…it is so hard to choose…like favorite colors ..they’re all good!

  7. There is a radio programme called Desert Island Discs in the UK, where, in addition to the music selection, you get to choose a book. But in this case you already have the Bible and Shakespeare, which makes the choice different, I think.

  8. I am always looking for new book suggestions as the english book section in our local book shop, is unfortunately sadly lacking in inspiration, so thanks for this, I haven’t read a Barbara Kingsolver book for years.

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